Tuesday, August 30, 2022

< + > Healthcare Interoperability with Anil Jain, MD from Innovaccer

It’s one thing to talk about interoperability in healthcare and it’s another to talk about where sharing of health data is really happening.  That’s the discussion I had with Anil Jain, MD, Chief Innovation Officer at Innovaccer, when I asked him where we’re at when it comes to healthcare interoperability.  In this video interview, Dr. Jain shares where healthcare organizations are really asking him to help with interoperability.  He shares some of the practical areas that interoperability is really happening today.

I also ask him what’s holding interoperability back and what he’d like to see from the vendors who hold health data.  I’ve always been fascinated by startups that want to facilitate health data exchange and the challenges they face in getting health IT vendors to share that data.

When it comes to healthcare interoperability standards, I was interested to hear what Dr. Jain thought about the standards we have today and whether we have enough standards or if our current standards are going to fall short.  You may remember when I asked Dr. Don Rucker a similar question about health data standards.  It seems like the standards we have today are the ones we’ll be using for at least the next decade.  Although, those standards will continue to mature and evolve.

Finally, I ask Dr. Jain to share what he sees happening with healthcare interoperability in the next 5 years.  He shares a really interesting vision of how healthcare providers and vendors are going to become dependent on interoperability such that it’s going to need a more robust infrastructure supporting it since the consequences of it failing will be so much worse.

Check out our interview with Dr. Jain from Innovaccer below to hear his perspectives on healthcare interoperability.

Learn more about Innovaccer: https://www.innovaccer.com/

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