Monday, November 21, 2022

< + > Learning About Medication Success at #HLTH2022 from Synapse Medicine

One of the great things about the HLTH 2022 conference is you get a wide range of topics across every part of healthcare.  For example, I attended a session on Medication Success that was presented by Franck Tricot, VP, Strategic Partnerships at Synapse Medicine.  Tricot gave us a really interesting view into what it takes to do medications properly in healthcare.  I live tweeted what was shared.  Check out my summary below to learn how you can better manage medications in your organization.

If you’re not sure why it’s important to handle medications properly, check out this crazy list of prescribing risks and the damage it causes to patients and healthcare in general.

The list of medication challenges in healthcare is long. However, this one about cumbersome EHR really stood out to me. Reminds me of the EHR user conference recently where they said that simplicity is safety in healthcare. There’s something to that and it applies well to medication success as well.

Of course, solving medication challenges isn’t easy. Synapse Medicine knows this first hand because they have implemented their solution across all of France. Here’s a look at what it takes to thoroughly address medications in your organization.

Here’s an even deeper look into what it takes to ensure medication success in your organization.

More simply put, here’s a look at the 3 pillars of medication success according to Synapse Medicine.

It was great to learn about some of the details it takes to be able to manage medications in your organization. Thanks for bringing all these insights and perspectives across the pond.

What’s been your experience with medication success? Do you have issues with medication reconciliation?

Synapse Medicine is a proud sponsor of Healthcare Scene.

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