Tuesday, December 27, 2022

< + > Staying Focused on Patient Access Will Help Providers and Plans

It might be tempting to pause seemingly “nice-to-have” projects in these tough times. Projects like improving your patient-facing website, adding online appointment booking, or enabling price transparency. Investing in these areas, however, may be the key to a faster recovery for healthcare providers and health plans according to Paul Merrild, President of Kyruus.

“Providers and plans have made progress on improving patient access,” stated Merrild. “But our latest patient access study shows that we still haven’t ‘nailed it’ when it comes to things like knowing where physicians are located, what languages they speak, when they are available, and whether they are in-network. There is ample opportunity to make this type of data more accurate.”

Marrild believes that by improving the accuracy of information in this area, organizations will improve patient access. By making it easy, smooth, and seamless for patients to find, book, and keep appointments organizations will improve their financial position. Plus, providing cost and procedure details early in the booking process means patients can make more informed decisions.

Kyruus surveyed over 1,000 healthcare consumers for their 2022 Patient Access Journey Report. They found 80% of consumers used 2 or more online resources in their process when searching for care.

Healthcare IT Today spoke with Merrild at the #HLTH2022 conference.

Learn more about Kyruus: https://www.kyruus.com/

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