Thursday, October 19, 2023

< + > Driving Patient Behavior and Connecting Patients with Their Care Teams

According to Rich Steinle, CEO of Carium, many healthcare organizations haven’t created a culture of “my health is every day” even though many of the DIY approaches to health like wearables are being fully embraced by patients.  This type of proactive monitoring of their health indicates that patients want to be more engaged and involved in their care.  In fact, trends like these indicate that patients want to shift away from the model of care where care is confined to the four walls of a clinic or hospital.  Instead, they want to use advanced virtual care technologies that can support their health on a daily basis.  This is particularly true for patients with chronic illnesses.

Steinle also observes that while a lot of patients are starting to embrace more of an every day approach to monitoring their health at home, it’s generally not coordinated by their doctor. To address this disconnect, Carium connects the patient with their care team in ways that opens up patients eyes to the reality that they can have their health and the care the receive managed outside of the doctor’s office.

In the interview below, Steinle and CTO Scott Pradels discuss the barriers to remote patient monitoring technology adoption among both clinicians and patients. They explain that Carium is meant to be installed and adopted easily, not to be a “big IT project” or require consultants. Plus, as you’d imagine, Carium is thoughtfully using AI in their platform for things such as risk stratification which helps doctors better care for their patients remotely at scale.

Patients usually encounter Carium first when they need surgery or some other major health intervention. But once they get to see what Carium can do, many want to stay and have it continue to manage their health.  That’s a real testament to the value that Carium provides patients.  Steinle and Pradels also share that seniors, often stereotyped as being adverse to new technology, are actually some of the most consistent users.

Watch the video for Steinle’s and Pradels’s views of the market for patient engagement solutions and the advantages of Carium.

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